Who We Are
Erik Cutter is Managing Director of Alegría Fresh, headquartered in Laguna Beach, CA. Alegría Fresh is a zero-waste, regenerative urban microfarm employing organic soil-based growing systems. Mr. Cutter is also Founder of the Alegría Farmacy, an integrated carbon neutral food production system designed to grow superior produce anywhere, anytime. Mr. Cutter has over 35 years experience growing ultra nutrient-rich produce using regenerative organic techniques and is a leading pioneer in developing cost effective growing systems that can be deployed over man-made surfaces close to where people live and work. See www.AlegriaFarmacy.com and www.SoxxBoxx.com. He has a background in biochemistry and oncology, and possesses a lifelong passion for creating haute cuisine using the finest ingredients, most of which he grows himself. Mr. Cutter’s mission is to increase adaptability and resilience and combat auto-immune disorders by creating greater awareness of the numerous health benefits of consuming fresh, regenerative organic food. The company’s goals include connecting individuals with where their food comes from and how it should be grown in living soil to optimize microbiome health, influencing positive change in resource management, teaching healthy eating habits, promoting entrepreneurship programs and creating green jobs in urban agriculture. Mr. Cutter’s interests include photography, marketing, design and engineering, cooking, and all outdoor activities including camping, trekking, volleyball and skiing. He is constantly scouring the web for information on health-related topics and enjoys teaching those around him how to feel better and create more balance in their lives. Mr. Cutter takes full advantage of all the wonderful opportunities we have at our fingertips to maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. It has been said that his closest friends are tired of hearing, “and it’s really good for you!”.
“Time is our greatest gift. How we use it determines who we are and how we will be remembered.” - Erik Cutter
Jessica McLeish, President and CEO of J. McLeish Public Relations, Inc., is a public relations consultant, writer and media relations strategist. She specializes in the development of groundbreaking strategic marketing and public relations programs that raise profiles, shape public opinion, increase profits and drive sales.
McLeish launched Desmond McLeish in 2002, and within a few years it was ranked in the top 25 public relations firms in three markets in California as well as listed as one of Orange County’s 100 Fast Growing Private Companies in 2007.
Clients include the San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board, Professional Community Management, EnviroIngenuity, Alegria Fresh, EPIC Insurance Services and NAIOP Inland Empire. McLeish has also worked for Governor Pete Wilson, The Irvine Company and many other companies throughout California.
Through her intensive research on nutrition and the biochemical effects of food upon the body, McLeish has become an expert in natural raw foods and their extraordinary healing properties. She has mastered the art of preparing raw food and loves to create meals that taste great and appeal to all types of palates. McLeish is in the process of identifying the top 100 most delicious ways to eat leafy greens (as these contain the highest concentrations of enzymes, phytochemicals and nutrients per calorie) and she hopes to inspire others to create their own health by eating more natural raw foods.
Tana Amen, BSN, RN is fondly known as, “The Brain Doctor’s Wife.” Working alongside her husband, award-winning physician and New York Times best-selling author Daniel G. Amen, M.D., Tana is a highly respected health and fitness expert, speaker, and media guest. She offers information, guidance, and support to hundreds of thousands of Amen followers who seek to dramatically change their health and their lives by changing the way they eat, exercise, and think. This quest, to share what she has discovered about the healing power of food drives her personally and professionally and is the inspiration for her television appearances, books, and lifestyle. Tana was a celebrity chef for ABC’s television show Recipe Rehab where she transformed family favorite recipes into delicious but healthy versions for viewers nationwide. She is the author of three cookbooks and a coaching guide, which have sold more than 100,000 copies. Tana’s fifth book, The Omni Diet will be released April 2013.
Read more>> http://www.livestrong.com/blog/the-omnivores-solution#ixzz2NcbRSw25 |
Yolande Smith is a holistic healer, natural foods chef and nutrition expert. She has been immersed in nutrition, natural locally-grown food and its ability to heal the body for over 25 years. Yolande works with clients to prevent, slow and eliminate chronic disease and health problems through a diet of deliciously prepared raw foods that provide optimal nutrition, energy and longevity.
Yolande’s has studied extensively at the National Gourmet Institute and the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute. To enrich her professional training, Yolande worked with numerous health experts including Jo Willard, Gary Null, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. Alan Goldhammer, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. William Esser, Dr. Colin T. Campbell and John Robbins.
Yolande believes in holistic healing practices and teaches about fasting, raw food selection and preparation and detoxifying the body. She assists clients to develop a balanced lifestyle using a customized diet tailored to each client’s tastes. Yolande’s sumptuous recipes using nutrient-rich foods increase the joy of eating while dramatically lowering the chances of getting many common diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. She heals through understanding and addressing the root cause of the disease, not the symptoms of the disease. She believes true health is the result of a balanced, healthy diet, and thanks to her gourmet training,
Yolande can teach anyone how to prepare delicious plant-based meals that are simple to make.
Yolande lives a very healthy and happy life, maintaining a vegan diet heavy in greens, and she relishes sharing her knowledge and experience with others.
>> Read More
Contact Tel: (917) 392-4722
Email: Yolande Smith at
Dr. Dave Williams is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine completing his residency training at Loma Linda University. He currently is the Medical Director of the Center for Lifestyle Medicine Inc., a clinic that specializes in weight loss and the application of therapeutic lifestyle change modalities to help treat and prevent chronic disease.
Click here for Dr. Dave William's bio in pdf format. |
Dr. Steven D. Dreyer was born and raised in Corona Del Mar, California. Since graduating from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1987, Dr. Dreyer has been practicing in the Newport-Mesa area for the majority of his 25 years in practice. He completed a three year postgraduate course of study in the highly acclaimed Chiropractic Orthopedics Program and has achieved Diplomate status with the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists, a distinction earned by approximately 800 out of the 60,000 licensed practicing Chiropractors in the United States.
Click here for Dr. Steve Dreyer's bio in pdf format. |
Jens Cutter is an early pioneer in the LED lighting industry and has been involved with LED technology since 1986. Cutter got his start with LED lighting technology while working for a leading automotive accessory manufacturer Kaminari, Inc. While working for Kaminari, he discovered the many unique qualities that LEDs offered and saw their vast potential.
Click here for Jens Cutter's bio in pdf format. |
Heather Gail George - Heather has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (K-8) and Master’s studies in Education (Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies) and loves working with children and families to create dynamic educational programs. She is an advanced yoga teacher and yoga therapist, and one of the most senior SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) Instructors in the world. She was first to teach meditation and yoga asanas on SUPs.
Heather is an athlete, performer and teacher and constantly seeks out ways to combine her passions and skills in production, design/build, education and healing to inspire as many people as possible. She believes we can live consciously and thrive and pass our planet on to future generations in better shape than we discovered it.
She is an experienced producer who built one of the country’s first independently owned digital television stations. Heather has produced cooking shows, restaurant guides, and outdoor adventure guides, hosted a live daily show and has conducted hundreds of interviews with activists, athletes, celebrities and everyday people with stories to tell.
For several years, Heather managed design/build operations of custom retreat-centered homes in Colorado and Hawaii. Her focus was implementing luxury, off-grid technologies.
Traveling extensively, experiencing myriad human lifestyles and habitats, venturing into indigenous cultures, returning to her country roots and now dancing in urban playgrounds, Heather thrives on developing new opportunities to explore and live in balance with Gaia/Earth.
Laguna Beach is currently home base for Heather. She joined the Alegría Fresh team to promote and teach the healing benefits possible through proper selection and preparation of clean, nutrition-rich, locally-grown produce.
Dr. Bill Roley is an applied ecologist, environmental instructor and consultant. He designs strategies to improve sustainable resources for homes, organizations, governments and business. He combines the disciplines of anthropology, biology, architecture, engineering, agriculture, and ecology to address modern challenges of providing for human needs while maintaining ecosystem health. He has consulted and presented internationally on how to incorporate these multifaceted concepts into working sustainable systems. His courses at Universities and Colleges link the social and environmental sciences into an integrated pattern. His teaching and design work at the John Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies at California Polytechnic University is a graphic example of this interdisciplinary work. He created and ran the Ecological Restoration certificate program at Saddleback College and taught biology at Soka University.
Click here to read more.
Cody Oakland - My first experience learning how food came to be occurred when I visited my Grandpa's farm in North Dakota. It was a rather large farm, or so it seemed to my six-year-old eyes, and we had a tractor that he would give me rides on up and down the rows. I remember running outside, digging my hands into the dirt and pulling up potatoes that would be on my plate for dinner that night. As I grew older, we would frequent our neighborhood fruit and veggie stand to get our fresh foods for the week. It wasn't until I became a young adult that I truly appreciated the powerful eating regimen my parents had instilled in me.
A competitive athlete since the age of 8, I trained hard through 14 years of gymnastics, 6 seasons of triathlons, 17 years of road racing, and one stint in trampoline nationals. I know it was solid nutrition growing up that gave me the ability to excel in highly competitive sports. After completing my undergraduate and graduate degrees (Kinesiology and Health Promotion), I began to delve much deeper into the numerous benefits of the locally grown fresh foods from known sources.
This brings me back to my Grandpa story. I have maintained gardens now and again over the years and always enjoyed it. The last three years I have become a bit obsessed with growing as much food as possible for my own consumption. I am very concerned that large agri-farming companies care little for our health, but much about profits. This is where Alegria Fresh comes in. The simple ability to grow local fnutrient-dense fresh food, devoid of all toxic herbicides and pesticides, in an ultra resource-efficient vertical hydroponic system, producing many times more food than traditional organic farming is exciting to me.
I have found my niche and my passion all in one place...thanks Grandpa.
Cameron Davis is an outdoor enthusiast, garden lover, and student at Orange Coast College majoring in Environmental Science. She joined Alegria Fresh to learn about raw foods and educate other students on edible and medicinal greens, wildflowers and how to successfully grow grow nutrient-rich vegetables and leafy greens. She also creates beautiful produce bouquets for Alegria Fresh clients.
Committed to health and disease prevention through locally-grown plant-based nutrients, she spends much of her time studying holistic nutrition, Native American remedies and the healing properties of native plants. Cameron's hobbies include yoga, traveling and collecting and studying medicinal wildflowers.
Joseph Lynn Johnson (CEO -- ABC ORGANICS, INC.), prior to his position at ABC Organics, worked in landscaping, production agriculture, commercial construction, and the manufacturing of electronic water systems which provided him the background and knowledge to increase his understanding of the interconnected nature of life on Earth.
Joseph’s knowledge of plants and micro bacteria was gained from extensive experience in production agriculture and landscaping. He became aware of how plants and microbes could be used to clean water and remove waste or excess nutrients from the environment. Joseph developed a self cleaning, grey water system or hydroponics bio-filters that used a combination of plants, animals, micro bacteria to clean water and grow food as a byproduct. He received Best Use of Water, Most Original, Design, and Best Construction for entering this design in the Ventura County Fair’s Commercial Landscapers Exhibition. The purpose of his work and study is to understand the connections and pathways between raw elements, and to follow the food chain from bacteria, to plants, to animals, to humans.
In 2007, Joseph met with the owner of ABC ORGANICS, INC., and agreed to assist her in redeveloping the products created by her late husband John Agulia. His sudden and untimely passing left nobody capable of understanding or reproducing the formulas. Joseph’s education allowed him to recreate the work and formulas of the original founder and to improve upon them. Studying the formulas provided Joseph a greater understanding of the relationship and behavior of micro-organisms in their natural environments. This has lead to Joseph’s expertise in epigenetic research; product and production development; quality control and oversight in relation to agriculture.
Julie Yau holds a MA in spiritual psychology, a MA in depth psychology, and is currently working on her PhD. Julie is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a certified dream pattern analyst. Her work is focused on healing trauma and embracing our true nature.
Julie’s diverse 25-year background in psychological, somatic, and spiritual traditions provides a unique depth of knowledge and experience. She has traveled to Tibet, Butan, Africa, Peru, and India and many other countries studying varying approaches to wellness. Her travels and learning have provided her an invaluable global view. Her spiritual practice, experience, and study has embedded a deep passion for cultivating compassion, reducing stress, and resolving trauma within our fast-paced lives.
Julie teaches a number of workshops and gives talks throughout the year. Julie's work is also informed by Spiral Dynamics, the Enneagram, and Source Point Therapy. She is the program director for CCALS and has a private practice in Laguna Beach, CA. |
Johnna Trimmer is Dedicated in assisting you to experience your life to your fullest. Serving you to create & maintain balance in your life: Mentally, Physically & Spiritually. The search began in 1989, I had lived in pain and was unhealthy most of my life. I realized I needed to make some serious changes. I felt deep inside, although had no experience of it, that there must be a way to live in my body with out pain, and there must be a way to live a balanced, productive, yet, adventurous fun life, and be happy. After many, many years of self study, teaching an learning; I now feel blessed to have realized this dream. I am active, healthy, and love my life.
Robin Roberts is President and CEO of Third Day Resources, founded six years ago with his wife Lois to provide health supplements to diabetics. Robin served in the Navy from 1974-79 on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, specializing in aviation structural hydraulics and earned his B.S. in Recreation with a concentration in wilderness skills from Ohio University in 1983. In the Knoxville, Tennessee region, Robin served many non-profit organizations as a group home supervisor, habilitation specialist, caregiver and case manager for a variety of people including the developmentally disabled for 20 years. Robin specializes in social networking, business development and sustainable food technologies. Robin is also Adventure Projects Coordinator for Tennessee Adventure Tours with Adam White.
Contact Robin at Robtdr@gmail.com